Interested in studying parental burnout?

The Parental Burnout Research lab uses varying research methods (qualitative and quantitative; cross-sectional and cross-lagged longitudinal; single cases and nationally representative samples; observational and intervention; self-reports, informant-reports and biological measures) in order to study the assessment of parental burnout, the antecedents of parental burnout, the consequences of parental burnout (on the parents, their children and their spouse), the specificity of parental burnout vis-à-vis job burnout (in terms of antecedents and consequences), the treatment of parental burnout and the cross-cultural variations in the prevalence and expression of parental burnout.
Our lab benefits greatly from hosting visiting students, who can either contribute to one of the previous research lines or suggest original ideas.
During their visit, students have full access to the equipment and resources of the UCLouvain, and are invited to initiate projects and collaborations that are meant to continue well after their departure. Louvain-la-Neuve is also a good starting point to discover the wonderful Capital of Europe: Brussels, which is only 35 minutes away!
If you’d like to discuss the possibility of joining our lab as a visiting scholar, please contact Professors Moïra Mikolajczak at and Isabelle Roskam at
We look forward to talking with you.